Monthly monitoring
Unlimited support from a medical provider
Medication and injection supplies delivered to you
No contracts!!!- Cancel anytime as long as medication has not already processed by the pharmacy
***Labs are optional and not included in the costs below***​
Cost is $349/month
We also offer a per vial payment option for maintenance dosing after goal weight is reached.
2.5mg (10mg) $399
5.0mg (20mg) $399
7.5mg (30mg) $449
10mg (40mg) $499
12.5mg (50mg) $549
15mg (60mg) $549​
All vials of Tirzepatide are for 4 weeks each.
Bioboost (B12/MIC)
Twice a week injection
10ml vial lasts 5 weeks- $179
30ml vial lasts 15 weeks- $249
Injection supplies delivered to you
Monthly monitoring
B12 Injections
Once a week injection
10ml vial lasts 10 weeks - $179
Injection supplies delivered to you
Monthly monitoring
Thorne Supplements
Quality supplements delivered to you
60 day money back guarantee
Prices can be viewed here:
Derma Made Skin Products
Skin Consultation
We offer a 50% coupon code by entering "Trinity50."
If you are not satisfied with your purchase from Derma, you may return the products within 100 days of purchase for a full refund.
Free shipping over $100
Prices can be viewed here:
$79 initial consult
$50 follow up on an as needed basis